![Archbishop Okoth Vocational Training Center](https://www.somo.co.ke/build/assets/images/institutions/images/college7.jpg)
Archbishop Okoth Vocational Training Center - History
The Koru Village Youth Polytechnic was opened in 1985 at Koru Catholic Mission by His Grace Archbishop Zaccheus Okoth. It offered Artisan Courses for Youths to the larger area of the Muhoroni Division. The College moved to its present site in 1987 and remained functional until 1999 when, unfortunately, it had to close due to lack of funding and support. This closure created a vacuum for the youths of Koru and its environs.
The KYP site is located about 78 Km North East of Kisumu City and 28 Km off the Kisumu ? Nairobi highway. The college is positioned 1000m above sea level. Rain-fed crop production takes place and the area is conducive for the rearing of livestock. The College lies within an industrial area in which are located the factories of Homa lime Co. Ltd, Muhoroni Sugar Co. Ltd, Chemelil Sugar. Co. Ltd and Agrochemical and Food Co. Ltd. Archbishop Okoth Youth Polytechnic is the 12th YP located in Kisumu County
Mrs. Mary Stewart the manager of KYP, returned in a full-time capacity to Kenya in 2007 when was asked by His Grace the Archbishop of Kisumu, to reopen the YP which had closed in 1999. Mrs. Stewart has extensive management and teaching experience gained during her time in the educational sector of the Isle of Man.
The reopening of the College was very much seen as an appropriate Tertiary Educational Establishment that would fill the provision catering for school leavers unable to afford the cost of Further Education in Colleges far from their own domicile. The College can also accommodate students forced to leave their educational pathway at Primary Level.
Historically, these disadvantaged students simply joined the forces of the unemployed. Jobs of any description are difficult to come by in this developing Country. Students stand a greater chance of being employed if they possess the necessary skills that allow them to compete at an equal level for jobs that become available.
Koru Youth Polytechnic has expanded further to incorporate relevant craft certificate courses, alongside other artisan courses. This has resulted in a public/ private partnership that has helped us achieve the following:
Refurbishing and equipping of the old Polytechnic building through the sole support of the donor from the Isle of Man and Government funding from Kenya namely, (SYPT) Subsidized Youth Polytechnic Tuition.
The Management Team is now able to offer the following academic courses: The Introduction of Artisan/Craft certificate courses such as Building Technology, Tailoring and the certificate in Business Management, Carpentry & Joinery, Electrical Installation, Driving Courses linked with car maintenance lectures, as well as Motor Vehicle Mechanics. With the introduction of the above courses in January 2012, more and more competent Instructors have been contracted and all the necessary training equipment and materials have been acquired for them.
Access to the Subsidized Youth Polytechnic Tuition (SYPT) fund from the Ministry of Education Science &Technology, began through the college?s partnership with the (MOYAS) Ministry of Youth Affairs from 2009. These funds have assisted the College in subsidizing the cost of financing co-curriculum activities as well as buying much-needed learning materials and equipment.
Since all the salaries for the management, teaching staff and all the subordinate staff is funded by the donor from the Isle of Man, this has helped us mitigate the burden of tuition costs to parents and guardians of our students while still retaining relevant, vibrant as well as highly gifted, professional and well-qualified teaching staff for the courses currently on offer.
Timely response in the receiving of funds from the Donor and Government has made it possible for staff to be paid on time, as well as enabling course requirements to be purchased. This is essential if the College is to run smoothly. The College since its inception in 2009 has grown and is playing a very important role in the development of the Community. Since its opening over 600 students have graduated in various courses, the majority of which are either employed or self-employed in their areas of specialty.
As a result of student?s enhanced opportunities by becoming graduates of KYP it is estimated that:
- 14-18% could obtain salaried employment
- 63% could become teachers
- 35% could obtain white-collar jobs
- 40% could become Church / Youth leaders.
- 30 ? 70% could become community leaders
- 15-20% will become better parents
Koru Youth Polytechnic has grown over the years most notably in the year 2013/2014; firstly, the name of the College was changed from Archbishop Okoth College Of Technology, Koru to Archbishop Okoth Youth Polytechnic, Koru. Secondly, the Management Structure was altered in that two new Assistant Managers were appointed to assist in strengthening the College?s financial planning and accountability, its efficiency in dealing with and making sure that the student experience whilst at college is both enjoyable as well as rewarding. The Managers were tasked to ensure that financial planning, examination preparation, recording of data, responding to external demands e.g. Ministry of Education were dealt with promptly and accurately.
The College was granted approval to offer 5 KNEC registered courses in February 2013. Students were able, to sit for the first time, KNEC examinations at KYP in July 2014. The College is now seeking to register for two more courses with the KNEC examination; Certificate in ICT & Certificate in Business Management. The College after inspection received approval to act as a NITA Centre and students sat at KYP in December ? 2014 for the first time their first trade tests in CBT, Dress Making, and MVM.
The appointment of Mrs. Everline Owilli as Head of Student Services has enabled major changes to take place regarding student admission, Introduction of proficiency tests at entry, Student Mentorship Programs, Guidance & Counseling as well as establishing links with potential employers at their point of exit. The majority of students that register is primary leavers whose communication and English speaking and understanding competencies are poor. This has necessitated the introduction of special support classes.
The financial situation at the college during 2013 was made more difficult as the Ministry responsible for the disbursement of funds, was not in power and ability to fully manage their financial commitment to the SYPT Colleges. An Assistant Manager, Accounts was appointed to take charge of the financial matters of the College in 2013 as well as having the responsibility for the day-to-day management of the College. The A.M together with the Manager drew up a prudent spending budget that allowed the College to until the disbursement of funds to the College took place. The first phase of this disbursement occurred in April 2014, 18 Months after the last payment was received. The College was able to operate reasonably efficiently due to the CDF bursaries received in 2013 & 2014, together with the substantial Donor funding received from the Isle of Man. The Accounts Manager is direct, responsible to the Manager and has, since being in post, managed the rationalizing of all the financial matters. The AMA prepares the budgets, makes forecasts, and manages Departmental Requisitions e.t.c. His work also requires the A.M to prepare the College Books for the County Auditors.
The CDF building was completed in 2013 thanks to a grant of 1,500,000 from CDF and 1,000,000 received from the Donor (Isle Of Man) which allowed the interior to be completed, furnished, and fitted out. The building has provided the College with three additional excellent facilities; a Beauty & Therapy practical room, a library; a motor vehicle workshop. The College is able to offer more courses and so increase student numbers.
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