Catering and Accommodation
Institutions offering Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
A list of all the accredited institutions offering Certificate in Catering and Accommodation program in Kenya. Select your preferred institutions and apply.
Auscomp College
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
AUSCOMP College is a TVET (Ministry of Education) Registered College Offering various Courses. Auscomp college is located in a conducive learning environment with a beautiful view of the...
| ApplyJuja Farm Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Juja Farm Vocational Training Center offers training in technical courses in Electrical Engineering, Motor Vehicle Engineering, I.C.T, Fashion Designing, Hair Dressing & Beauty, Food Technology and Plumbing.
| ApplyKisumu Institute of Community Development Training
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Kisumu Institute of Community Development Training (KICD ?T) is a college focused on driving social change for community development. Kisumu Institute of Community Development Training offers an exceptional opportunity...
| ApplyChristian Industrial Training Centre
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
The Christian Industrial Training Centres – Nairobi is established to provide in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, vocational and commercial training to the less...
| ApplyImani Marianists Maria Training Centre
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Imani Marianists - Chaminade Training Centre was established in 1987 in Eastleigh, Nairobi. Its initial focus was to help distressed women, often pregnant and abandoned receive both personal...
| ApplyImani Marianists Chaminade Training Centre
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Imani Marianists - Chaminade Training Centre was established in 1988. It is located in Mukuru Kwa Njenga slum of Nairobi . CTC is a community development centre which...
| ApplyMachakos Institute of Technology
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Machakos Institute of Technology (MIT) is a Community-focused, development-oriented, technical training Institution, without any Governmental, Religious or political affiliation.From the time of inception, the institution has distinguished itself...
| ApplyTumaini Innovation Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Tumaini Innovation Center is a Community Based Organization (CBO) that seeks to address the unique challenge of vulnerable children and youth. Street connected children and youth are a...
| ApplyNakuru Youth Polytechnic
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Mariansit Technical Institute Mombasa
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Marianist Technical Institute ? Mombasa, SCHOOL OF CATERING is a Vocational Technical Institute approved by Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) Reg. No. TVETA/PRIVATE/TVC/0029/2017.We are a...
| ApplySubukia Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Subukia Youth Polytechnic is a technical institution that trains youths in Carpentry,Motor vehicle technology, ICT, Hairdressing and other courses.
| ApplyPetanns Institute of Business Studies
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Petanns Institute of Business Studies (PIBS) is a Technical training institution and a subsidiary college of Petanns Driving school and Computer College.PIBS is registered by the Kenyan government...
| Read moreGithiga Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Githiga Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public college situated in Githiga-Kanyanya Ini, Kangema Constituency, Muranga County.
| Read moreMutisya Technical Training Institute
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Mishkan School of Fine Arts
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Mishkan School of Fine Arts is an Institution that offers technical courses.Whether you have just graduated from high school or you are exploring the possibility of pursuing a...
| ApplyCentury Park College
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Century Park College is home to students from across Kenya. We embrace diversity by promoting and maintaining an inclusive and supportive work and study environment that enables all...
| ApplyThikartisan College of Professionals
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Carlile College
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Carlile College is an education ministry of Church Army Africa (CAA), an Anglican Society of Mission witnessing to the good news of the Gospel through proclamation, practical care...
| ApplyWaithaka Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Waithaka Technical Training Centre in Nairobi, is a training centre that provides Technical Vocational Training to the Youth in Kenya.Waithaka Technical Training Centre empowers youth through the provision...
| Read moreNairobi Industrial Institute
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Nairobi Industrial Institute is a leading industrial training institute in Kenya known for quality training and building excellent industrial exposure to students as well as practical achievements of...
| ApplySergoek Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
The Sergoek Vocational Training Centre has over the years gained its respect and roots with the help of friends like Rafiki ya Maisha and well wishers. The Government...
| Read moreEldoret Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Cheptuech Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Raynata Institute Of Hotels And Catering
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Muteithia Polytechnic
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Muteithia Polytechnic's core objective is to impart technical skills to the youth, prepare them with skills for employment and most importantly self-employment.Vision: To be a world class training...
| Read moreGikomora Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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Our Lady of Mercy Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Our Lady of Mercy Vocational Training Centre is a higher learning tertiary centre which is located along Likoni Road, at the Mukuru Promotion Centre Head Office.Mukuru Promotion Centre is an...
| ApplyWord of Faith Community College
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
The Word of Faith Community College is a registered non-profit making vocational training (TVET) college located opposite Word of Faith Church in Kiambu- Kenya (Ruthiru-ini side).It is a...
| ApplyKatangi Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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The Serenity College
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
Serenity College is a Technical Institution established in 2014 in Gilgil, offering Artisan, Certificate and Diploma courses.
| ApplyGacharage Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation
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