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Clerk /Typist

Institutions offering Certificate in Clerk /Typist

A list of all the accredited institutions offering Certificate in Clerk /Typist program in Kenya. Select your preferred institutions and apply.


Kiambu Institute of Computer Engineering

Private College Kiambu Certificate KNEC

Certificate in Clerk /Typist

Kiambu Institute of Computers & Engineering popularly known as KICE College is an institute known for its computer & business courses training. We offer full time & part-time...

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Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf

Public College Langata Certificate KNEC

Certificate in Clerk /Typist

Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf is a Public Tertiary Institution under the state Department of Science and Technology that started in 1990 to offer Technical Training...

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Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute

Private College Kamukunji Certificate KNEC

Certificate in Clerk /Typist

Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute provides vocational-technical education with an emphasis on job creation to students from economically disadvantaged families.Since 1992, KCITI college has helped young men and...

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