Electronics Mechanic
Institutions offering Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
A list of all the accredited institutions offering Certificate in Electronics Mechanic program in Kenya. Select your preferred institutions and apply.
Kenya Institute of Professional Studies
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Kenya Institute of Professional Studies (KIPS TECHNICAL COLLEGE) is a premier Tertiary Institution established and mandated to operate as an Educational Training Institute by TIVET authority under the...
| ApplySensei Institute of Technology
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Sensei Institute of Technology is the leading practical skills Training College in Kenya. Sensei College is registered by NTSA, TVET, and NITA for Government Trade Tests.We offer full-time...
| ApplyTumaini Innovation Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Tumaini Innovation Center is a Community Based Organization (CBO) that seeks to address the unique challenge of vulnerable children and youth. Street connected children and youth are a...
| ApplyKenya Coast National Polytechnic
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Kenya Coast National Polytechnic, former Mombasa Technical Training Institute, is the only National Polytechnic in Coast region with the most comprehensive training packages and other first-class facilities. Kenya...
| Read moreRene Descartes Training Institute
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Rene Descartes Training Institute is a private vocational training centre located at St. Vincent, Dagoretti Riruta area, in Nairobi County
| ApplyMuguga Vocational Training Centre
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
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Kamunganga Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Kamunganga Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public college situated along Karega - Kachocho road, Kigumo Constituency, Muranga County.
| Read moreSubukia Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Subukia Youth Polytechnic is a technical institution that trains youths in Carpentry,Motor vehicle technology, ICT, Hairdressing and other courses.
| ApplyMutisya Technical Training Institute
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
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Ichagaki Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
Ichagaki Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public college situated along Ichagaki Ngaburi Road, Maragwa Constituency, Muranga County.
| Read moreEldoret Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
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St. Joseph The Worker Thuita VTC
Certificate in Electronics Mechanic
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