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Kenya Registered Perioperative Nursing (KRPON)

Institutions offering Higher Diploma in Kenya Registered Perioperative Nursing (KRPON)

A list of all the accredited institutions offering Higher Diploma in Kenya Registered Perioperative Nursing (KRPON) program in Kenya. Select your preferred institutions and apply.


The Cicely McDonell College of Health Sciences

Private College Likoni Higher Diploma Nursing Council of Kenya

Higher Diploma in Kenya Registered Perioperative Nursing (KRPON)

The Nairobi Hospital Cicely McDonell College of Health Science, an initiative of the Kenya Hospital Association, was opened in 1956. It is named after Sister Cicely McDonell, a...

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Catherine McAuley Nursing School

Private College Langata Higher Diploma Nursing Council of Kenya

Higher Diploma in Kenya Registered Perioperative Nursing (KRPON)

Catherine McAuley Nursing School., a leading training institution in nursing education, innovation, research and professionalism in Africa trains spiritually upright nurse professionals who can provide timely compassionate nursing...

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