Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Institutions offering Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
A list of all the accredited institutions offering Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan program in Kenya. Select your preferred institutions and apply.
Kenya Institute of Professional Studies
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Kenya Institute of Professional Studies (KIPS TECHNICAL COLLEGE) is a premier Tertiary Institution established and mandated to operate as an Educational Training Institute by TIVET authority under the...
| ApplyThe Nyeri National Polytechnic
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
The Nyeri National Polytechnic was a middle-level national Technical Learning Institute established under the Ministry of Science and Technology offering a variety of courses to K.C.S.E graduates at...
| Read moreYMCA- National Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
YMCA- National Training Institute strives to achieve customer satisfaction by providing Quality Education and Training in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management in a congenial and disciplined environment.YMCA- National...
| ApplySensei Institute of Technology
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Sensei Institute of Technology is the leading practical skills Training College in Kenya. Sensei College is registered by NTSA, TVET, and NITA for Government Trade Tests.We offer full-time...
| ApplyP.C.E.A Kibera Emmanuel Technical Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
P.C.E.A Kibera Emmanuel Training college is a vocational training institution located in Kibera, Niarobi.We offer courses in Hair and beautyFood production and servicefashion and designElectrical installationplumbingComputer packages and...
| ApplyMachakos Institute of Technology
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Machakos Institute of Technology (MIT) is a Community-focused, development-oriented, technical training Institution, without any Governmental, Religious or political affiliation.From the time of inception, the institution has distinguished itself...
| ApplyJuja Farm Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Juja Farm Vocational Training Center offers training in technical courses in Electrical Engineering, Motor Vehicle Engineering, I.C.T, Fashion Designing, Hair Dressing & Beauty, Food Technology and Plumbing.
| ApplyPC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
The Paramount Chief Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute (PCKTTI) is a public institution of higher learning under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.PCKTTI is situated in a serene...
| Read moreDon Bosco Boys Technical Training Centre
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Don Bosco Boys Town Technical Training Center provides technical, moral and total human value formation education to young men and girls to enable them to become contributive honourable...
| ApplyNaivasha Technical and Vocational College
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Naivasha Technical and Vocational College is a newly established institution under the Ministry of Education, State Department of Vocational and Technical Training.
| Read moreUkunda Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Ukunda Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public technical college located in Ukunda, Msambweni Constituency, Kwale County.
| ApplyKipsamumgut Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
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Kenya Coast National Polytechnic
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Kenya Coast National Polytechnic, former Mombasa Technical Training Institute, is the only National Polytechnic in Coast region with the most comprehensive training packages and other first-class facilities. Kenya...
| Read moreMukuru Skills Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Mukuru Skills Training Centre(MUST) seeks to empower youths from ages 14 years {both boys and girls} and above by offering them employable skills initially in a 6-month hairdressing...
| ApplyKenya Christian Industrial Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute provides vocational-technical education with an emphasis on job creation to students from economically disadvantaged families.Since 1992, KCITI college has helped young men and...
| ApplyMutisya Technical Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
| Apply
Hemland College of Professional and Technical Studies
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Hemland College of Professional and Technical Studies is driven by the desire to be one of the leading technical colleges in Thika to produce students with excellent skills...
| ApplySeverin Craftsman Training Centre
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
With five training workshops for craftsman professions, Severin Craftsman Training Centre is the right choice for interested young Kenyans seeking a well-founded apprenticeship. During training, we aim to...
| ApplyMukangu Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Mukangu Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public college situated in Mukangu Mukangu along Murang?a- Kangema road, Kangema Constituency, Muranga County.
| Read moreSubukia Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Subukia Youth Polytechnic is a technical institution that trains youths in Carpentry,Motor vehicle technology, ICT, Hairdressing and other courses.
| ApplyMishkan School of Fine Arts
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Mishkan School of Fine Arts is an Institution that offers technical courses.Whether you have just graduated from high school or you are exploring the possibility of pursuing a...
| ApplyKenya Industrial Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Kenya Industrial Training Institute (KITI) is a training Institute under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives situated in Nakuru town.KITI offers Industrial and Entrepreneurship skills training for school leavers...
| Read moreNairobi Technical Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Nairobi Technical Training Institute is a public tertiary institution under the Ministry of Education, State Department of Vocational and Technical Training. The Institute receives full support from the...
| Read moreNakuru Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Nakuru Training Institute (NTI) is a TIVET institute founded in 2002. NTI envisions a vibrant, holistically transformed community living in dignity. The institute has a mission to provide...
| ApplyKisauni Youth Polytechnic
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Kisauni Youth Polytechnic is a community-based institution situated 100m along the new Mombasa-Malindi highway at VOK stage.Kisauni youth Polytechnic is a technical institution offering a variety of courses...
| Read moreThika College of Banking & Accountancy
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Thika College of Banking and Accountancy is a leading institute that focuses on the empowerment of the student towards the development of the world.At Thika College of Banking...
| ApplyBusia Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Busia Vocational Training Center is a middle level public college located in Busia Town.
| Read moreThe Kabete National Polytechnic
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
The Kabete National Polytechnic is a national university offering technical training in Kenya.The Kabete technical is located on Waiyaki Way near Uthiru market in Kiambu County.Kabete national polytechnic...
| Read moreNairobi Industrial Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Nairobi Industrial Institute is a leading industrial training institute in Kenya known for quality training and building excellent industrial exposure to students as well as practical achievements of...
| ApplyWaithaka Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Waithaka Technical Training Centre in Nairobi, is a training centre that provides Technical Vocational Training to the Youth in Kenya.Waithaka Technical Training Centre empowers youth through the provision...
| Read moreCarlile College
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Carlile College is an education ministry of Church Army Africa (CAA), an Anglican Society of Mission witnessing to the good news of the Gospel through proclamation, practical care...
| ApplyAhero Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Ahero Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public college that is located in Ahero, Nyando Constituency, Kisumu County. The college is located next to Boya Rural Nursing Home along...
| Read moreHavard Institute of Development Studies
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
HAVARD INSTITUTE is registered by the Kenya Government with the office of the Attorney General and also certified by KNEC, M.O.E and MOHESTHavard Institute of Development Studies is...
| ApplySergoek Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
The Sergoek Vocational Training Centre has over the years gained its respect and roots with the help of friends like Rafiki ya Maisha and well wishers. The Government...
| Read moreMtongwe Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Mtongwe Vocational Training Center is a middle-level public college located in Mombasa.
| ApplyUwezo College
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
| Apply
Railway Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Railways Training Institute, RTI is an institution that exists to provide practical and quality training in transport and logistics responsive to a dynamic market environment through research and...
| Read moreMachakos Medical and Technical Training College
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Machakos Medical and Technical Training College is a private facility approved by the ministry of education and offers a variety of courses. The courses selected supplement the current...
| ApplyKeveye Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Keveye Vocational Training Centre formerly Keveye Youth Polytechnic is located at Majengo Town along Kakamega-Kisumu Highway. It is recognized as one of the best Vocational Training Centres in...
| Read moreBeacon Technical Training Institute
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Beacon of Technical Training Institute provides a rich, stimulating learning environment through quality, innovative instruction. We ensure that our students receive a highly interactive and personalized experience that...
| ApplyMatuu Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Matuu Vocational training Center is one of the leading Technical institution in Machakos that Equips trainees with high-end Technical Skills in Various Disciplines.
| Read moreOur Lady of Mercy Vocational Training Center
Certificate in Plumbing Pipefitter - Artisan
Our Lady of Mercy Vocational Training Centre is a higher learning tertiary centre which is located along Likoni Road, at the Mukuru Promotion Centre Head Office.Mukuru Promotion Centre is an...
| Apply