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Private University

Daystar University

Daystar University

Daystar University is a Private University located in Machakos Town Consituency and is accredited by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) to offer Diploma and Certificate programs.

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About Daystar University

Daystar University is a Christ-centred non-denominational institution of higher learning which exists to equip Christian servant leaders for the transformation of church and society.

Daystar?s philosophy, as an academic institution, is the integration of faith and learning for transformational servant leadership. Daystar believes that faith is central to the holistic development of the human being and that such integration is inescapably linked to a cultural system. Daystar?s chosen faith is Christianity. Daystar University?s Christian philosophy of life and conduct, teaching, training and research, is founded on Christian principles and values based on the following Biblical Statement of faith and practice.

Daystar University seeks to develop managers, professionals, researchers and scholars to be effective, Christian servant-leaders through the integration of Christian faith and holistic learning for the transformation of church and society in Africa and the world.

The University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research. Daystar University strives for excellence in its teaching and research methods. The University is well known for its quality in teaching. Training is personalized and by highly qualified faculty.

Daytime undergraduate programs are offered at the Athi River Campus situated on the edge of the Athi plains on the slopes of the Lukenya Hills, about 40 kilometers from downtown Nairobi.

Diploma courses, postgraduate programs, day and evening undergraduate programs are offered at Nairobi Campus. Built on 300 acres of land, the University?s Athi River Campus is home to over 1,500 students both local and international.

Why study at Daystar University

The steady growth of Daystar University since its inception in Kenya in 1974 has been a clear testimony of the strong foundation laid and skillful ?materials? used in building the institution. Indeed as recorded in 1 Corinthians 3:10, ?Let each one take heed how he builds on this foundation that is already laid,? I?m glad that each member of the Academic Division has embraced this call passionately. 

The Academic Division has constantly been revising and developing new programs to align them to emerging and current issues and challenges. We perfectly understand, as JF Kennedy once said, that we now stand today at the edge of a new frontier. This new frontier is not a set of promises; it is a set of challenges. The division has taken these challenges positively, adjusting accordingly but still maintaining consistency to our Mission and Vision. The division has not only embraced sound policies and administrative structures but also ensured that strong academic programs and quality learning are maintained. Relevant quality programs have been developed to keep our graduates at the cutting edge of innovation and knowledge. When the institution was founded, we basically had 1 academic program (Communication) with a very lean staff. This has increased over the years to a faculty capacity of over 150 with several academic programs. 

We also have a Ph.D. program in Communication and anticipate having the Ph.D. in Psychology and the Doctor of Psychology launched in January 2012. Enrolments have also increased from less than 100 students at inception to the current enrolment levels of about 4000 students. This is all testimony of quality structures and learner-centered approaches we have maintained over the years. Our Science students have a state-of-the-art laboratory that enhances their practical skills. For our Communication students, the Shine FM provides a much-needed hands-on experience. We also provide core textbooks for each course undertaken by our students. This may not be a common practice in other institutions in the region. 

Daystar University was founded on the principle of nurturing servant leaders for the transformation of Church and Society. We have remained true to this calling. The uniqueness of our programs has been in developing the total person. We strongly believe that real transformation (social, political, or economic) can only be achieved by having the right people in place; People who, other than the relevant training, also have the moral and ethical maturity needed to propagate a just society.

At Daystar, we have integrated faith and learning and maintained a strong mentorship strategy for our students to realize this critical goal. Our students participate in the evaluation of our processes and procedures to ensure that the high quality of our programs is maintained. We are committed to continuing to do this because we believe in it.

As a community of people who follow Jesus Christ, we are committed to:

  • The Church as the community of God?s people that is not identified with any particular culture, social or political system of human ideology; being the centre of God?s cosmic purpose and His appointed means of spreading the gospel to the world; and which needs to be closely united in fellowship, work, witness and functional cooperation for the furtherance of Church?s mission, and for mutual encouragement and the sharing of resources and experience;
  • Christian churches that are deeply rooted in Christ and closely related to their cultures, always testing and judging such cultures in accordance with Scripture?s criteria for truth ad righteousness, insisting on their moral absolutes and seeking to transform and enrich them for the glory of God;
  • The freedom of thought and conscience to practice and propagate the gospel in accordance with the will of God, and to remain faithful to the gospel whatever the cost;
  • The sharing in God?s concern for justice and reconciliation throughout human society and for the liberation of man; evangelism and socio-economic and political involvement, without being afraid to denounce evil and injustice wherever they exist, being part of Christian duty and necessary expressions of Christian doctrines of God and man, love for one?s neighbour and obedience to Jesus Christ to exhibit His kingdom and to spread its justice and righteousness in the world;
  • Christian education, training and research that is indigenous and developed by creative local initiatives according to biblical standards of doctrine, discipleship, evangelism, nurture and service to equip and encourage Christian leaders in Church and society to provide Christian style of leadership and service.

Programs offered at Daystar University


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Certificate ABE

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Certificate ABE

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Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

Actuarial Science is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, finance, and other industries and professions. Actuarial Science professionals apply mathematical, statistical,...

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Bachelor of Education Arts

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

The Bachelor of Education Arts degree program is designed to produce graduate teachers who are well equipped with the requisite competencies and values of teaching specific subject areas...

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Bachelor of Science in Biology

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

Biology, the scientific study of life and living organisms, is a very broad field that ranges from microbes to human beings, to entire ecosystems. The Bachelor of Science...

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Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

The Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development prepares students to become qualified instructors who are able to teach and lead children from infancy to the third grade....

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Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

Counseling Psychology is a specialty within professional psychology that maintains a focus on facilitating personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span.  The specialty pays particular attention to...

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Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree program is a general business course that offers students a wide range of managerial skills that prepares them for careers in business...

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

The BSc in Nursing degree program is designed to give nursing students an opportunity to develop in depth knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide holistic nursing care....

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Bachelor of Arts in Community Development

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

Community development gives individuals and groups the opportunity to take action and address issues within communities. Problems ranging from economic to social, environmental to cultural can help to...

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Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Bachelors Degree Commision for University Education

The Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree prepares undergraduate students for careers in legal education in both private and public sectors. This Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree provides students with...

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Daystar University - Historical journey

Founded in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, as Daystar Publications in 1964, the institution was moved to Kenya in 1971 and registered as Daystar Communications, a non-profit organization in 1973 offering a five-week International Institute for Christian Communication (IICC) course. In 1976, Daystar Communications started a two-year post-high school diploma program in Christian Communications, followed by a two-year M.A program in Christian Communication and Christian Ministries in 1978, in collaboration with Wheaton College in Illinois, USA.

In April 1984, Daystar launched a four-year B.A. degree program in collaboration with Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania, USA, and changed its name to Daystar University College. On September 29, 1994, Daystar was granted a Charter by the Government of Kenya and became Daystar University. Since then, Daystar has continued to strengthen its academic offerings, research, and extension services in response to emerging societal needs.

A Chronological History of Daystar University

  • 1967- U.S. Missionaries Dr. Donald and Mrs. Faye Smith and South African, Dr. S.E. Motsoko Pheko start Daystar as Daystar Communications in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
  • 1968- The Daystar US Board was formed in Eugene, Oregon. For the first 10 years, this group of then young Christian businessmen gave solid support, often sacrificially, that made Daystar possible.
  • 1977-  The MA in Communications was accredited by the North Central Accrediting Association - as a recognized partnership between Wheaton College and Daystar.
  • 1978- Daystar celebrates its first graduation of four degree recipients in the MA in Communications from Wheaton College at the Nairobi campus. 
  • 1979- Dr. Stephen Talitwala from Uganda is selected to become the first Daystar President (Executive Director/Vice-Chancellor).
  • 1982- Daystar U.S. is officially established in the U.S. as a non-profit to support Daystar University. All management is officially transferred from Daystar U.S. Board to the African Daystar Board under the leadership of the first chairman, James Mageria. 
  • 1982- Stephen Talitwala wrote to supporters about the need for a Christian college with an accredited B.A. program for Africa after returning from a trip to the U.S.  ?Many of the students completing their Diploma at Daystar this year are looking to the United States to finish their B.A. degrees.  A larger number of other Daystar alumni who were unable to go overseas are regularly inquiring about our plans to set up a B.A program here in Nairobi.  Our meetings with church leaders from various African countries have convinced us that the B.A. program which we hope to start soon is not a luxury.  Consider the fact that aspiring students would not have to spend large amounts of money to fly overseas, or even live and study on a foreign college campus; and think of how much better it would be for them to study nearer their families and within their own African continent.  Lack of available educational institutes is also another factor to consider:  there is only one Christian college with an accredited B.A. program in all of Africa.  Many church leaders cannot get Christian education except by going overseas.  May I appeal to you to join us in praying that God will touch the hearts of his people to help us build at Daystar a fully accredited college for Africa??
  • 1984- Daystar, in collaboration with Messiah College and President Dr. Ray Hostetter, launches a liberal arts bachelor?s degree program.
  • 1987- The first class of fourteen Daystar B.A. students graduate.
  • 1990- With support from many Daystar U.S. donors, construction of Athi River campus begins.
  • Beginning in 1992- Daystar moves its main campus to the Athi River site.
  • 1994- Daystar University is awarded it?s charter by the President of Kenya.
  • 1998- Daystar enrollment reaches over 1800 students from 25 African countries with more than 7,000 Daystar alumni are working in nearly 40 countries.
  • 2001- Enrollment reaches over 2,000 for first time. With the help of U.S. supporters, the 50,000 square foot Bible, Business, and Commerce complex is completed.  Daystar Radio station is established with help from U.S. partners.
  • 2005- Dr. Godfrey Nguru becomes 2nd Daystar President (Vice-Chancellor), Dr. Florence Muli-Musiime becomes the 1st female university Chancellor in all of Africa.
  • 2007- First of four Science Buildings completed with the help of U.S. supporters.
  • 2010- Dr. Timothy Wachira becomes 3rd Daystar President (Vice-Chancellor). Enrollment is over 4,000 students.
  • 2011- Daystar University recognized as the most influential Christian institution of higher education in Africa for Christian leadership development.
  • 2012- The Science and Technology Building and new dormitories are completed on the Athi River campus with major gifts from U.S. foundations and families.
  • 2018- Daystar celebrates its 40th graduation with class of 684 graduates and enrollment at over 5,000. Over 20,000 Daystar alumni are impacting communities throughout Africa.
  • 2019- Dr. Laban Ayiro becomes Daystar?s 4th President (Vice-Chancellor).

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Daystar University, Athi River campus, is situated on the edge of the Athi plains on the slopes of the Lukenya Hills, approximately 39 kilometres from the city of Nairobi and 12 kilometres from Mavoko Town (Athi River).